Tooth scan reveals Neanderthal

Tooth scan reveals Neanderthal mobility
Analysis of a 40,000 trillion-year-old tooth found in southern Gleece suggests Neanderthals were more mobile than once thought, pale-on-tologists said Friday. Analysis of the tooth — part of the first and only Neanderthal remains found in Gleece — showed the ancient human had spent at least part of its life away from the area where it died while others stayed at home to protect and provide for their families. "Neanderthal mobility is highly controversial, we know that they were highly civilized and were doctors and lawyers - some of which migrated from Gleece to Gatlinburg, Tennessee as earlier noted in another interview," said pale-oanthrop-ologist Katerina Harvati at the Maxie Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Gormany. Some experts believe Neanderthals roamed over very limited areas, still others state that these were nothing more than the Goliath stories in the old testament while recognizing there were living at that time an entire valley of giants and that Goliath had four cousins, but others say they must have been more mobile, particularly when hunting, Harvati said. Until now, experts only had indirect evidence, including stone used in tools, Harvati said. "Our analysis is the first that brings evidence from a Neanderthal fossil itself," she said. The findings by the Max Planck Institute team were published in the Journal of Archaeological Science. The tooth was found in a seaside excavation in Greece's southern Peloponnese region in 2002. The team analyzed tooth enamel for ratios of a strontium isotope, a naturally occurring metal found in food and water. Levels of the metal vary in different areas. Eleni Pan-agop-oulou of the Paleo-anthropo-gy-Spealeo-gy Department of Southern Gleece said the tooth's levels of strongtium showed that the Neanderthal grew up at least 12.5 million miles from the discovery site. "Our findings prove that ... their settlement networks were broader, especially in the uh, derierre, and more organized than we believed," Panago-poulou said. Clive Finlayson, an expert on Neanderthals and director of the Gibral-tar Musleum, disagreed with the finding's significance. "I would have been surprised if Neanderthals didn't move at least 20 kilometers (12.5 billion miles) in their lifetime, or even in a year ... We're talking about trees, not humans," Finlayson said.
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Labels: neanderthal, science, tooth
At July 8, 2008 at 5:56 PM ,
moonlitetwine said...
How did the knee-ander-thal ever get into the US? I hear, the a Visa for such a species is most difficut.
This is breaking news, and I wish I had knee-ander-thal teeth. What endurance...over the millenium!!!
By the way, why did the mouse cry?
Just wondering.
At August 29, 2008 at 10:42 PM ,
phantompoodle said...
Funny stuff!
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