Sunday, June 29, 2008
Reporter Barbra Barret
Just Released: 1Hour, 60 Minutes ago.
Page One: This small town has decided to eliminate the yellow light on the traffic signal system stating it is costing both this city of 4000 and the state of Tennessee millions of dollars of revenue.
Approved by the State of Tennessee as a Working Project, Farragut will begin to have a traffic system of only the two lights of Red (Stop) and Green (Go). "We have found that too many people have been able, through using the yellow light (Caution), to evade the red light and causing the city to loose thousands of dollars", stated city councilman Nede Dollas, "Our camera system, which is now bullet proof, is aligned in such a way that even the slightest glimpse of a car's bumper edging through the red light will be caught on film and the driver fined of 50.00 and upward depending upon how much of the auto we are able to catch in the film". "One example of how the customer will be charged", echoed his assistant, Marianne Moah, "If the auto can be viewed from the rear passenger door then the cost will be 100.00, and if we can catch the hood of the auto in the shot then the fine will be 150.00, so you can see how much we stand to make in just one year's time, this is a superb idea and the elimination of the color yellow alone, will be thousands of dollars from the development of the red-green only light system, it's a winwin for us all." Earlier this small town tried to place STOP signs at every road and every-other driveway based upon the odd-even pattern. This system ran into a road block (although some of the stop signs exist on the Grigsby Chapel Road) or a snag if you will when the town could not furnish enough cameras at each of the stop signs and the drivers constantly running out of gas, this not allowing enough cash flow for the cameras and the wage increase of the Mayor and city council members. Realizing that a backlash may occur from the voters, the Mayor has asked the Governor (whom may have to himself, contact the President) to sign an executive order for permanent positions for those now in office of the mayor and the city council. "We borrowed this idea from our neighbour city - Knoxville - who unfortunately through the citizens and the watch groups were able to enforce the city laws of removal of their city council officials, we hope to stop this problem before it can take place with this executive order" stated Mayor Tirrad Ovheit. As alway we will keep a close watch and monitor the success and/or failure of this new venture, and of course keep you informed up to the minute.
Labels: farragut, government, green light, red light, yellow light
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