
WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING The mouse cried because of the snake,and the snake came to see the mouse,horror,chills,thrills,not for the faint of heart or those with headaches,upset stomach,uncut fingernails,room unclean, etc..., THEY'RE BACK AND THEY ARE REALLY MEAN VILE CREATURES OF TERROR.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Reid tries to explain 'smell the tourists' comment IT WAS THE HUMIDITY, IT WAS GLOBAL WARMING, THEY WERE WEARING THE WRONG JACKETS, THEY DID NOT HAVE TIME TO SHOWER, I USE DAIL DON'T YOU WISH EVERYONE DID, I HAVE BECOME A PAID LOBBYIST AND SPOKESMAN FOR DAIL, I HAD A SINUS INFECTION, IT WAS RIGHT BEFORE I WAS TO HAVE SINUS SURGERY, LOOK I AM ONE OF YOU I HAVE NOT TAKEN A BATH FOR 6 MONTHS - I CAN NOW IDENTIFY WITH YOU. WASHINGTON – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid defended himself Wednesday over a joking comment that tourists to the Capitol sometimes smell. Turns out many people weren't amused. The Nevada Democrat has been attacked on blogs, editorial pages and letters to the editor since his remark last week: "In the summertime, because of the high humidity and how hot it gets here, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol." His comment came during the opening ceremony for the new Capitol Visitor Center. In response, an offended letter-writer to Reid's hometown Las Vegas Review-Journal declared: "You, Sen. Reid, are the one who stinks." Without directly apologizing, Reid sought to explain himself in his own letter to the Review-Journal on Wednesday. "Much has been made of my comments at the opening of the Capitol Visitors Center," Reid wrote. "Anyone who took the time to watch my statement or read it in full knows the point I was making: I'm always pleased when the Capitol is filled with citizens eager to learn about our country's great history and the work we do in that historic building." Reid, who's gearing up for re-election in 2010, did say as much in his full remarks at the visitors center opening. But he probably should have stopped there. Indeed, he prefaced his digression on the malodorous tourists with the observation that: "My staff has always said don't say this, but I'm going to say it again, because it's so descriptive." In his letter Wednesday, Reid wrote that with the new center offering an indoor refuge along with historical exhibits, "The days of freezing in the cold and sweating in Washington's humidity while waiting to enter the Capitol are over." I loved my daddy like a father, but he betrayed me like a betrayer. circa 2006Comments from the Staff of TheMouseCried. A Page One Production - A Subsidary of ESCLJ-A Study © All Rights Reserved You have right to copy and all of the Mouse with our gratitude and permission.DID YOU RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE IN ERROR ARE YOU NOT WHO YOU SAY YOU ARE - THEN THROW DOWN THAT GUN AND UNTIE THAT NOOSE IT IS OK - YOU TOO CAN RECEIVE MORE uptodate stories LIKE THIS ONE - SIMPLY TYPE IN: and state " I too need news " and within three working weeks you will be placed on our mailing list, now aren't you glad you threw down the pestol and don't you wish everyone did? If you feel you have received this email in error, then click this link: It doesn't work but doesn't it make you feel better

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