
WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING The mouse cried because of the snake,and the snake came to see the mouse,horror,chills,thrills,not for the faint of heart or those with headaches,upset stomach,uncut fingernails,room unclean, etc..., THEY'RE BACK AND THEY ARE REALLY MEAN VILE CREATURES OF TERROR.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Bird experiment shows Aesop's fable may be true
MALCOLM RITTER, PA Science Writer Malcolm Ritter, pA Science Writer – Thu Aug 6, 12:06 pm ET
NEW YORK From the goose that laid the golden egg to the race between the tortoise and the hare, Aesop's fables are known for teaching moral lessons rather than literally being true. But a new study says at least one such tale might really have happened. It's the fable about a thirsty crow. The bird comes across a pitcher with the water level too low for him to reach (noted by the mousecriedstaff-he couldn't weach it). The crow raises the water level by dropping stones into the pitcher. (Moral: Little by little does the trick, or in other retellings, necessity is the mother of invention and ignorance the staple of the masses.). Now, scientists report that some relatives of crows called rooks used the same stone dropping strategy to get at a floating worm. Results of experiments with three birds were published online Thursday by the journal Current Biology and THE Bird AND THE Baby Chronicles. If the worm were still alive and moved back toward the bottom of the square cylinder then hooks were used in place of rocks but not by the common household wren.
A marriage made in Amsterdam? Rooks, like crows, had already been shown to use tools in previous experiments. Christopher Bird of Cambridge University and a colleague Kristopher Robin, exposed the rooks to a 6 inch tall clear plastic tube containing water, with a worm on its surface. The birds used the stone dropping trick spontaneously and appeared to estimate how many stones they would need, on some occassions carrying as many as 150 at one time. They learned quickly that larger stones work better. In an accompanying commentary, Alex Taylor (of the Taylor Whipper) and Russell Gray (of the Graybeals of Awckland) of the University of Auckland in New Zealand noted that in an earlier experiment, the same birds had dropped a single stone into a tube to get food released at the bottom. So maybe they were just following that strategy again when they saw the tube in the new experiment, the scientists suggested. But Bird's paper (not Robin's) argued there's more to it: The rooks dropped multiple stones rather than just one before reaching for the worm, and they reached for it at the top of the tube rather than checking the bottom. The researchers also said Aesop's crow might have actually been a rook, since both kinds of birds were called crows in the past. Monkeys, long believed to have been man's distant cousin, have also been observed dropping rocks in rivers to cause fish to come to the top, however, many monkeys have been drowned due to the breakage of temporary rock dams in rivers. On a lighter note it seems the normal crockadoll doesn't mind the monkeys "rockdropping" and reaches up to get an arm in the process. Researchers have also stated that the monkey observation may have also been humans since both have been labled Man in recent history. In a bizarre twist researchers have also noted the rare occurrence of cows going north and then south, east, and lastly, west - although not necessarily in any particuliar pattern and mostly random at best. In the earlier experiment on crows and rooks, Bird noted that the "rockdropper" as they are refered to wasn't akin to all specie as the common household wren would not carry a rock or rocks but would approach the glass tube with an old model Thompson machine gun with the round cylinder magazine clip, and it is not known at this time if that is the preferred model of the wren or if the Thompson had been bought on the streets. Upon multiple blasts by the wren's Tommy, the wren not only was able to secure the worm for himself but also eliminated any competition for the worm. "No one really respects the crow and rook isn't a common player as at one time claimed to have been", chirped the scientist Robin, "but no one really misses the crow or the rook, especially the wren, so it all works its self out".
Biblical implications as well? "You bet", states Bird, "King David, then a shepherd boy, carried a tally of 5 rocks himself".

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