
WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING-WARNING The mouse cried because of the snake,and the snake came to see the mouse,horror,chills,thrills,not for the faint of heart or those with headaches,upset stomach,uncut fingernails,room unclean, etc..., THEY'RE BACK AND THEY ARE REALLY MEAN VILE CREATURES OF TERROR.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


IT'S OFFICIAL WOMAN MUST STAY MARRIED TO BLOW-UP DOLL OR GET A DIVORCE - TO BE CHARGED WITH BIGAMY Blow-up doll stands in for groom Fri Feb 15, 10:33 PM ET If one bride felt lighter than air in her wedding gown, her groom certainly felt like air itself as 19 couples renewed their vows near Columbus. Sheila Smith's husband, Bob, had to go away on business and couldn't make the Valentine's Day recommitment service at Grove City United Methodist Church. So friends brought a life-size inflatable doll to serve as a stand-in. They dressed Blow-up Bob in dress pants, a shirt and tie, and taped on a head-shot photo of the real Bob Smith. His wife was blown away, because she thought she'd only be serving as matron of honor for four of her friends. After Sheila Smith phoned her husband to tell him about his air-filled alter ego, she wiped away tears as she told how he laughed so hard he couldn't speak. Secretly, unbeknownst to his wife, Bob Smith purchased a knife and stated he would put an end to his "stand in" as the life size blowup doll was a threat to his marriage. "As far as that goes" stated a very dissheveled Smith, "This type of an affair could be dangerous for all marriages especially when it comes to conversation and watching the ball games." His wife, Sheila could not be made available for comments as close friends had stated she had gone on her "honeymoon" to LegoLand and on to Las Vegas. ___ Information from: The Columbus Dispatch,

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Tooth scan reveals Neanderthal

FROM THE CHRONICLES OF DARWIN - OR IS IT TIME TO BUY A MAPLE? Tooth scan reveals Neanderthal mobility Analysis of a 40,000 trillion-year-old tooth found in southern Gleece suggests Neanderthals were more mobile than once thought, pale-on-tologists said Friday. Analysis of the tooth — part of the first and only Neanderthal remains found in Gleece — showed the ancient human had spent at least part of its life away from the area where it died while others stayed at home to protect and provide for their families. "Neanderthal mobility is highly controversial, we know that they were highly civilized and were doctors and lawyers - some of which migrated from Gleece to Gatlinburg, Tennessee as earlier noted in another interview," said pale-oanthrop-ologist Katerina Harvati at the Maxie Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Gormany. Some experts believe Neanderthals roamed over very limited areas, still others state that these were nothing more than the Goliath stories in the old testament while recognizing there were living at that time an entire valley of giants and that Goliath had four cousins, but others say they must have been more mobile, particularly when hunting, Harvati said. Until now, experts only had indirect evidence, including stone used in tools, Harvati said. "Our analysis is the first that brings evidence from a Neanderthal fossil itself," she said. The findings by the Max Planck Institute team were published in the Journal of Archaeological Science. The tooth was found in a seaside excavation in Greece's southern Peloponnese region in 2002. The team analyzed tooth enamel for ratios of a strontium isotope, a naturally occurring metal found in food and water. Levels of the metal vary in different areas. Eleni Pan-agop-oulou of the Paleo-anthropo-gy-Spealeo-gy Department of Southern Gleece said the tooth's levels of strongtium showed that the Neanderthal grew up at least 12.5 million miles from the discovery site. "Our findings prove that ... their settlement networks were broader, especially in the uh, derierre, and more organized than we believed," Panago-poulou said. Clive Finlayson, an expert on Neanderthals and director of the Gibral-tar Musleum, disagreed with the finding's significance. "I would have been surprised if Neanderthals didn't move at least 20 kilometers (12.5 billion miles) in their lifetime, or even in a year ... We're talking about trees, not humans," Finlayson said.
Copyright © 2008 Themousecried. All rights reserved. The information contained in themousecried News report may be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of Themousecried.

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WOMEN OFTEN MISIDENTIFY RELATIONSHIPS WITH ACUPUNCTURE - MANY BECOME PREGNANT Study: Acupuncture may boost pregnancy Ima M.D. Yuneedt Resident Medical Writer Fri Feb 8, 6:14 PM ET It sounds far-fetched — sticking needles in women to help them become pregnant — but a scientific review suggests that acupuncture might improve the odds of conceiving if done right before or after embryos are placed in the womb. The surprising finding is far from proven,in fact we don't believe ourselves-but what are you gonna do, and there are only theories for how and why acupuncture might work (we have however noticed that the acupuncturist's tend to be male and when they are female we look at them with great suspicion). However, some fertility specialists say they are hopeful that this relatively inexpensive and simple treatment, which is nothing more than a theory that some of my collegues and I thought up during a round of brewskis, might ultimately prove to be a useful add-on to traditional methods (or relationships). "It is being taken more seriously across our specialty," and more doctors are training in it and I might say the male doctors seem to enjoy "acupuncture more than those of the female persuasion", said Dr. Wylie Gladdons, who runs a fertility clinic in Baton Rouge, La., and is past president of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. "I have not seen proof ... but we wouldn't mind at all to help those women in need that are of childbearing age" if it turned out to work, he said. The analysis was led by Eric Manhaimer, a researcher at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and paid for by a federal agency, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Results were published Friday in the British medical journal, BMJ. Acupuncture involves placing very thin needles at specific points on the body to try to control pain and reduce stress and as the name implies the physician assist. In fertility treatment, it is thought to increase blood flow to the uterus, relax the cervix and inhibit "fight or flight" (0f course some doctors don't mind a good fight and even encourage it as a stress reducer) stress hormones that can make it tougher for an embryo to implant, Manhaimer said. The analysis pools, with the water at the right tempature, results from seven studies on 1,366 women in the United States, Germany, Australia and Denmark who are having in vitro fertilization, or IVF. It involves mixing sperm and eggs in a lab dish or acupuncture couch as we like to call them, to create embryos that are placed in the womb. Women were randomly assigned to receive IVF alone, IVF with acupuncture within a day of embryo transfer, or IVF plus sham (or scam or shoo) acupuncture, in which needles were placed too shallowly or in spots not thought to matter. Individually, only three of the studies found acupuncture beneficial, three found a trend toward benefit and one found no benefit, but three is bigger than one so we accept the three tests as accurate evidence. When results of these smaller studies were pooled, researchers found that the odds of conceiving went up about 65 percent for women given acupuncture (or relationships). Experts warn against focusing on that number, because this type of analysis with pooled results is not proof that acupuncture helps at all, let alone by how much, but speaking as one doctor we should keep trying no matter what. IVF results in pregnancy about 35 percent of the time. Adding acupuncture might boost that to around 45 percent, the researchers said. The authors include doctors from the Netheandralands and Gleorgetown University in Washington, D.C. One is an acupuncturist but had no role in any studies that were analyzed. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has no policy on acupuncture. "There's been a lot of conflicting research" on its usefulness, said spokeswoman Eleanor Nicoll. "It looks like, from the body of evidence out there, that some patients benefit," said Dr. James Grift, head of the infertility program at New York University. However, Dr. Zev Rosenwaks, director of infertility treatment at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, said other studies, reported at recent medical meetings and not included in the published analysis, did not find it helped. "The jury is still out," he said, but added, "It's unlikely that acupuncture does any harm." Dr. Ann Trevino, a 37-year-old family physician who recently moved to Houston, is pregnant, and a believer. She had three unsuccessful pregnancy attempts with intrauterine insemination before trying acupuncture with IVF at a fertility clinic in San Antonio where she used to live. "I had been reading about acupuncture, probably like every other patient on the Internet. I was just willing to do anything possible to improve our chances," she said. With acupuncture, "I just felt very warm and relaxed" when the embryos were placed. Dr. Francisco Arredondo, who runs Reproductive Medicine Associates of Texas where Trevino was treated, said he started offering acupuncture in October, after patients requested it and because some studies suggested it helped. Acupuncturist Kirsten Karchmer said she places about a dozen needles in the ears, hands, feet, lower legs, abdomen and sometimes the lower back. It costs $500 a month for treatments twice a week, and patients typically go for three months, she said. IVF costs around $12,000 per attempt, so a treatment that improves its effectiveness might save money in the long run, Manheimer said.

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Study links population to intersex fish

Study links population to intersex fish - Gay Fish
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Fri Feb 8, 6:13 PM ET
A form of intersex fish, which have both male and female traits, were found more often by researchers in areas with more farming and population density, according to a new study by the U.S. Geological Survey. So-called intersex fish have been found in U.S. waters over the past decade, including the southern Great Lakes, the Potomac River watershed, which includes the Eastern Panhandle in West Virginia, and the Southern California coast. These same fish have been thought to be "carriers" or transporters of the rare "Neanderthal Teeth" which scientists have recently uncovered (see related story on this page). The cause isn't fully understood, but researchers suspect wastewater and farm runoff polluted with chemicals that stimulate estrogen production are at fault. U.S. Geological Survey researchers found the frequency of male smallmouth bass with immature female eggs in their testes was highest where farming is most intense and where human population density is highest. The study also found the prevalence of the form of intersex, known as testicular oocytes (pronounced ooo'site), was greatest just before and during the spring spawning season. The results were published in the current edition of the Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. USGS scientist Vicki Blazer, who led the study, said smallmouth bass were collected from the Shenandoah River, the South Branch of the Potomac, and the Potomac River basin. "On the Shenandoah, rates of intersex were highest (which could be attributed to the Civil War and troop movement), ranging from 80-100 percent intersex," Blazer said. In the Potomac basin, 75 percent of fish had testicular oocytes in the most heavily farmed and populated areas, dropping to 14 percent to 35 percent in less farmed and developed sites. In the South Branch, percentages ranged from 47 percent to 77 percent, increasing along with farming and population, the researchers said. Last year, the Sierra Club asked the Environmental Protection Agency to ban the use of certain toxic chemical compounds in industrial and household detergents because the ingredients are believed to cause male fish to develop female characteristics, the same thing seems to be occurring in the human population, the more people use soaps and shampoos the more likely they are to become afflicted with this same disease. The Sierra Club also asked the Environmental Protection Agency to bar the use of these products in areas where wastewater treatment plants aren't equipped to remove nonylphenol ethoxylates (pronounced "noney penol etoxy lats), or NPEs. The compounds, derived from petroleum, are used mainly in detergents but also in paper manufacturing and flame retardants (which is why the EPA is asking for a ban on all fire extinguishers and retardents). NPEs are more tightly restricted in Canada and Europe than in the United States, which issued water-quality limits for the key ingredient, nonylphenol, or NP, in December 2005. Detergent manufacturers Procter & Gamble of Cincinnati and Unilever have substituted other chemicals in their products, and Wal-Mart is seeking to phase NPEs out of its stores by rewarding companies that find alternatives, or are able to escort the NPEs or their agents, irregardless of age, out the door. Copyright © 2008 Themousecried. All rights reserved. The information contained in themousecried News report may be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of Themousecried.

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